heuristic for pattern searching. Just like bad character heuristic, a preprocessing table is generated for good suffix heuristic.
Good Suffix Heuristic
be substring of text
which is matched with substring of pattern
. Now we shift pattern until : 1) Another occurrence of t in P matched with t in T. 2) A prefix of P, which matches with suffix of t 3) P moves past t
Case 1: Another occurrence of t in P matched with t in T
Pattern P might contain few more occurrences of
. In such case, we will try to shift the pattern to align that occurrence with t in text T. For example-
In the above example, we have got a substring t of text T matched with pattern P (in green) before mismatch at index 2. Now we will search for occurrence of t (“AB”) in P. We have found an occurrence starting at position 1 (in yellow background) so we will right shift the pattern 2 times to align t in P with t in T. This is weak rule of original Boyer Moore and not much effective, we will discuss a
Strong Good Suffix rule
Case 2: A prefix of P, which matches with suffix of t in T
It is not always likely that we will find the occurrence of t in P. Sometimes there is no occurrence at all, in such cases sometimes we can search for some
suffix of t
matching with some
prefix of P
and try to align them by shifting P. For example –
In above example, we have got t (“BAB”) matched with P (in green) at index 2-4 before mismatch . But because there exists no occurrence of t in P we will search for some prefix of P which matches with some suffix of t. We have found prefix “AB” (in the yellow background) starting at index 0 which matches not with whole t but the suffix of t “AB” starting at index 3. So now we will shift pattern 3 times to align prefix with the suffix.
Case 3: P moves past t
If the above two cases are not satisfied, we will shift the pattern past the t. For example –
If above example, there exist no occurrence of t (“AB”) in P and also there is no prefix in P which matches with the suffix of t. So, in that case, we can never find any perfect match before index 4, so we will shift the P past the t ie. to index 5.
Strong Good suffix Heuristic
q = P[i to n]
got matched with
c = P[i-1]
is the mismatching character. Now unlike case 1 we will search for t in P which is not preceded by character
. The closest such occurrence is then aligned with t in T by shifting pattern P. For example –
In above example,
q = P[7 to 8]
got matched with t in T. The mismatching character
is “C” at position P[6]. Now if we start searching t in P we will get the first occurrence of t starting at position 4. But this occurrence is preceded by “C” which is equal to c, so we will skip this and carry on searching. At position 1 we got another occurrence of t (in the yellow background). This occurrence is preceded by “A” (in blue) which is not equivalent to c. So we will shift pattern P 6 times to align this occurrence with t in T.We are doing this because we already know that character
c = “C”
causes the mismatch. So any occurrence of t preceded by c will again cause mismatch when aligned with t, so that’s why it is better to skip this.
Preprocessing for Good suffix heuristic
As a part of preprocessing, an array
is created. Each entry
contain the distance pattern will shift if mismatch occur at position
. That is, the suffix of pattern starting at position
is matched and a mismatch occur at position
. Preprocessing is done separately for strong good suffix and case 2 discussed above.
1) Preprocessing for Strong Good Suffix
Before discussing preprocessing, let us first discuss the idea of border. A
is a substring which is both proper suffix and proper prefix. For example, in string
is a border because it appears in both end of string but
is not a border. As a part of preprocessing an array
(border position) is calculated. Each entry
contains the starting index of border for suffix starting at index i in given pattern P. The suffix
beginning at position m has no border, so
is the length of the pattern. The shift position is obtained by the borders which cannot be extended to the left. Following is the code for preprocessing –
void preprocess_strong_suffix(int *shift, int *bpos,Explanation:
P = “ABBABAB”, m = 7