How to Apply new or Renew Driving license online

Following are the stages for Application Submission for Driving Licence. Below are the steps for filling the application online. This can be done yourself, no need to go to an Agent.

1. Fill Applicant/Request Details online

2. Upload Documents (if required)
4. Payment of Fee
5. Visit the RTO office for verification of the document

Follow the following steps online for applying for a new or renewing an existing Driving license.

Driving License

  1. Login to and go to Online service and select Driving license related service
  2. Now select the state for which a Driving license is required. In our case, we are selecting Maharastra.

Driving License

3. For new license select ‘New Driving license’ for Renewal selelctServices on Driving license’

Driving License

4. We are selecting the Renewal of Driving option and proceeding.

You would need to put your driving license number and date of birth. This brings up all the information related to your license.

Driving License

Driving License

5. Now select the service you want. In this example, I have selected ‘Renewal of DL

Driving License

Driving License

6. You will now be asked to upload a Medical certificate from any MBBS Doctor and a scanned copy of your driving license.

Driving License

Driving License

7. Make a payment online. In this case, the cost is Rs.466. You will get acknowledgment by SMS

Driving License

8. Visit the RTO for document verification.