How do I get a mobility parking permit?

Do you dread going anywhere in case you can’t get a park close enough for the pain in your knees to tolerate, or carrying things across long distances will send your hands into a flare? You may be eligible for a mobility parking permit. Like a lot of services that help you to manage your arthritis, your GP is the gateway. Your doctor needs to confirm your eligibility but it helps you to be well-informed so that you can help your GP make the right decision for you.

There are two types of permits:

Long-term permit

You can apply for a long-term permit if you have a permanent medical condition, like arthritis, that affects your mobility. A long-term permit is valid for five years.

Short-term permit

You can apply for a short-term permit if you have a temporary medical condition that affects your mobility. These are issued for a minimum of three months and a maximum of 12 months. A three-month, six-month or nine-month permit may be extended to a maximum of 12 months from the date of issue. This requires confirmation from your doctor that your mobility is still affected.

How to apply

You must apply via the CSS Disability Action website. Download the application form and take it with you to your GP appointment – Applications & Renewal » CCS Disability Action

If you don’t have a printer, you can go to your local library or ask your GP to print it out at your appointment.

The website alerts users that due to COVID-19, there is a delay in postal times so the quickest way to get this processed is to scan and email directly to them rather than posting.