If the identification you provide is not a Maryland driver’s license or MVA ID Card OR does not identify your current address, you must also provide two of the following documents as proof of your current Maryland address:
Note: Documents must include the applicant's name and address. Documents may not be from the same two agencies. (i.e. Two documents issued by MVA).
• MVA registration card or title • MVA change of address card • Utility, telephone or cable/satellite TV bill • Bank account statement • Property tax bill • Mortgage statement or proof of home ownership (Deed, Title, Bill of Sale) • Major credit card bill (Visa, MasterCard, Wal-Mart, Target, etc.)• Residential rental contract (lease or rental contract between landlord and tenant which includes all signatures).
• Selective Service Card• Federal, state or local government mail issued by the state of Maryland (ie. Social Security, social services)
• Car insurance policy • Paystubs (dated within 90 days)• State of Maryland Health Insurance issued documents (ie. Medicaid, Medicare, Maryland Health Connection)
All documents must be dated within the past 90 days. An electronic copy of a clear, recent photograph. We strongly recommend using a free, highly-rated passport photo app widely available for download via the App Store, Google Play Store or anywhere apps are available.
Generally, the photo should look like a driver’s license or passport photo. Specifically, it must be a clear, color photo of the patient’s unobscured face taken within the last six months to reflect the patient’s current appearance and feature a plain white or off-white background. The patient must be clothed, directly facing the camera with both eyes open and should have either a neutral facial expression or a natural smile. The patient must not be wearing a hat, head covering, sunglasses or dark glasses.
The file must be an image file (.jpg) no larger than 3 MB in size and may not be digitally enhanced or altered in a way that changes the patient’s appearance.